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The initial assessment is an extended comprehensive evaluation focused on obtaining an accurate psychiatric diagnosis and identifying symptoms for treatment. Your doctor may or may not recommend medication as part of the treatment plan. 

Our doctors use an evidence-based medicine approach for psychiatric medication management. They provides extensive education regarding your symptoms and diagnosis, treatment plan and medication regimen. Our treatment philosophy involves using the least amount of psychotropic medications necessary for treatment. Before psychotropic medications are initiated, target symptoms, outcomes, medication side effects, risks/benefits and alternatives are discussed at length with each patient. 

You will receive an individualized treatment program customized for your medical needs and tailored to you as an individual. The frequency of appointments will be dictated by your symptoms and progress and will be mutually agreed upon. Following the comprehensive Initial Assessment, follow up appointments for medication management are typically 30-45 minutes in length. To ensure the most efficient and safest course of treatment, the frequency of appointments is adjusted on an individual basis. If you require longer follow-up appointment times, these can be arranged on an individualized basis. 


Our doctors may refer you for individual psychotherapy. Here are a few options that may be offered: 


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a treatment approach that helps you recognize negative or unhelpful thought and behavior patterns. Many experts consider it to be the gold standard of psychotherapy. CBT aims to help individuals identify and explore the ways your emotions and thoughts can affect your actions.


Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Psychodynamic therapy is an approach that involves facilitation of a deeper understanding of one's emotions and other mental processes. It works to help people gain greater insight into how they feel and think, to better understand their inner world. By improving this understanding, people can then make better choices about their lives. They can also work on improving their relationships with other people and work toward achieving the goals that will bring them greater happiness and satisfaction.


ADHD Coaching: ADHD coaching is a relatively new field that has become more prominent in recent years. Coaching is an intervention that complements medication and other non-pharmacologic alternatives. As a specialty within the broader field of coaching, ADHD coaching is a practical intervention that specifically targets the core impairments of ADHD such as planning, time management, goal setting, organization and problem solving.


All of our clinicians utilize HIPAA certified technology to ensure patient privacy. If you choose virtual sessions, prior to the appointment time, you will receive a link to easily connect with your doctor using secure video chat technology. Patients may see their doctor or therapist in the comfort of their home or the convenience of their workplace. Wherever is most convenient and comfortable for you.

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